LASIK . Bladeless LASIK. SMILE Eye Surgery
LASIK laser eye surgery is a god send for those patients who suffer from the vision defects which need spectacles and contact lenses. LASIK laser eye surgery was developed more than 20 years ago, and more than 40 million eyes have been treated so far. New Vision Laser Centers-Centre for Sight have been one of the pioneers of Smile Eye Surgery, LASIK Laser Eye Surgery and Bladeless LASIK India, and we are committed to ensuring that our patients can get the benefit of the most advanced technology and the most experienced doctors. Contact Us today to experience a world free from the hassle of glasses and contact lenses.
Where do we perform LASIK in India?
We perform LASIK India at several centers. Laser Eye Surgery centers include Mumbai, Hyderabad, Vadodara, Ahmedabad,, Surat,Rajkot, Bhavnagar, Vizag, Rajahmundry, Vijaywada, Anand, Jamnagar, besides several centres of Centre for Sight.
Several of our centers in India are equipped with the latest bladeless LASIK technology for laser vision correction. These include our centers in Mumbai (Bombay), Vadodara (Baroda) , Hyderabad, Ahmedabad and Surat.
Our Vadodara (Baroda), Mumbai (Bombay) and Hyderabad are even equipped with the ultimate in laser vision correction- the SMILE procedure done with a femtosecond laser. This is the ultimate in safety and predictability, as far as laser vision correction surgery is concerned. We are proud to be one of the worldwide pioneers of this exciting procedure.
Our team of doctors is led by our group medical director, Dr. Rupal Shah,
one of the world’s leading refractive eye surgeons. We are proud to be associated with a highly competent and experienced set of eye surgeons at our different locations in India. We are also proud to be partners of Centre for Sight, a leading chain of comprehensive eye care hospitals of India, led by Dr. Mahipal Singh Sachdev.
A world where everything is bright, beautiful and clear. Where you can see things the way God meant you to. Where playing your favourite sport or getting a job isn’t a problem because of your eyesight. Welcome to New Vision Laser Centers-Centre for Sight. The pioneers of LASIK India. Read on to learn more about us and what we can do for you. Rest assured, your aspirations to be free from glasses and contact lenses will be answered.
We would like to thank you for visiting our website. Here you will find information on LASIK laser eye surgery, LASIK complications, LASIK Cost, LASIK procedures, bladeless LASIK and ReLEx smile. You will also find information on laser (lazer to some) technology, laser eye surgery precautions, LASIK prices at our different centers in India-Vadodara (Baroda),Mumbai (Bombay), Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Surat, Rajkot, Rajahmundry, Bhavnagar, Jamnagar and Anand.
We also have a special section on the evolution of lasik laser eye surgery, as well as a section on the various myths that accompany this technology. To see why we offer the Best LASIK India, and all the advantages offered by New Vision Laser Centers-Centre for sight, please click on the link above..
To see more information on our most premium centers:
Best LASIK Mumbai Bladeless LASIK Mumbai.
Best LASIK Vadodara Bladeless LASIK Vadodara.
Best LASIK Hyderabad Bladeless LASIK Hyderabad
We also offer LASIK Laser Eye Surgery and Bladeless LASIK at many Centre for Sight Comprehensive Eye Centers in India. Centre for Sight also offers many different eye treatments in centers across India.
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